High Intensity Training (HIT)

In the 1960s, Arthur Jones created the HIT method of weight training. He worked with Ellington Darden, Casey Viator and others to develop the concept.

Think of this as being represented as a sprinter versus the volume training which is a long-distance runner. The sprinter does a short workout that is very intense with a burst of work in a short time. The marathon spreads the work over a much longer period with less intensity.

Arthur Jones envisioned a routine that would involve one heavy set until failure for each exercise. The duration of the workout would be about 30 minutes as opposed to the hours that regular routines require. Jones experimented with Casey Viator in the Colorado experiment, in which he gained 63 pounds of muscle in 28 days using HIT.

Make sure that you are using proper technique in your movements with a cadence of 1-2 seconds for the lift and 3-4 seconds to lower the weight. Use a full range of motion. Focus on the major muscle groups in this order:

  • legs
  • chest
  • back
  • shoulders
  • biceps
  • triceps
  • abs

You can work out every three or four days to give your larger muscles time to recover.

Another feature of this program is NOT lifting to muscle failure. Stop a few reps short of failure.



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